Living Generatively: Walking the Talk with Jesus


Sunday - 10AM Worship Service

Apr. 21, 2024

The question: Is our/your/my Christian walk producing a life-giving vibe? 

Are we, like Jesus, generating an abundance of light and life for those around us? Jesus exemplified a life that overflowed with vitality and purpose, always walking the talk and leaving a trail of life-giving impact wherever He went.

Drawing upon the Greek term for "everlasting" or "eternal” life (Zoe Aionion—The “Boundless Life”), we uncover the essence of living a "generative" life—a life overflowing to others, characterized by abundance and vitality. Just as Jesus lived expansively, are we embracing the fullness of life that He offers?

We will examine how to live this "big life" in Christ, one that transcends limitations, even our bodily death, and radiates the contagious joy and love of the Lord.

Let's walk in the footsteps of Jesus, embodying His life-giving spirit and spreading light in a world that thirsts for the transformative power of God's love.

Will have to come up with some good practicalities.